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Downtown EV Charging

Left: Fifth Avenue EV charging lot, looking south from Fifth Avenue; Right: A Level 2 charger installation at the Kress parking lot.

Public Works - July 26, 2024

Work at the Fifth Avenue EV and Kress parking lots is progressing rapidly.

At the Fifth Avenue EV lot, the chargers have been installed (not yet active), the permeable paver bricks are in place, the bio-retention pond grass and flowers have been planted, and educational signage has been installed. The asphalt paving will commence, soon.

At the Kress lot, the chargers have been installed (not yet active).

The reconfigured Fifth Avenue EV and Kress parking lots are part of the effort to bring public EV charging to Downtown Youngstown, with 4 Level 2 chargers, capable of charging 8 EV's, to be installed.

Two of the chargers will be located in the reconfigured Fifth Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard parking lot. In addition to the 4 dedicated EV Charging parking spots, 5 slant parking spots, 1 ADA slant parking spot, and 2 parallel parking spots will be included. There will also be an e-bike rental facility; public bike racks; a bio-retention pond area with flowering plants, grass, and small trees; 3 park benches; and informational and educational displays.

The remaining 2 chargers will be located in a reconfigured area of the existing Kress Lot, located next to West Federal Street (entrance off of South Phelps Street). Four dedicated EV Charging parking spots will be created.

Use of the Level 2 EV chargers will be available for a nominal market rate fee, charged per kWh.

Funding for the EV chargers came from the Ohio EPA VW Mitigation Grants (Diesel Mitigation Trust Fund).